Thursday, July 22, 2004
Welcome to. . . The Al Show?
I just realized that the only one posting on the blog for the past week is Al. The last non-Al post was by Chantal on the 14th. Granted Al notmally posts a lot of stuff, but with Tuan partying with the Water Buffalo and Chibi-Greggu hiding up North, things are quite. . . Al-ish.
I normally refrain from posting as I tend to rant and gripe about stuff, like how the PEI government is raping me with absurdly high property taxes, how the oil companies are raping me with absurdly high gas prices, and how Ottawa is raping me with absurdly high income taxes. . . . everyone probably wouldn't want to hear about stuff like that.
I could also talk about computers and stuff, like how cool Magna Carta, this PC RPG game by Softmax I got on my trip to Korea, is even though I don't know a lick of Korean and there's not a shread of English ANYWHERES in the game. Or how I can build a killer PC gaming machine for only 1400 CAD. Or how I flashed the firmware on my DVD-burner so I can reliably burn PS2 and DVD copies. I'm assuming people are already bored.
Anyways, the point I was trying to make, aside from me writing about my D&D exploits or any of the other aboved mentioned topics, everyone else should post more.
By Ming -
11:06 a.m. |