Thursday, December 04, 2003

I just need some where to type this out! I think the line has just been crossed by my supervisor and well I am about to cross it back.

We have been in comunication a fair bit lately, even though it took him three month to read 30 pages of my thesis, delaying me two more semesters for completion of my masters. And costing me an additional $800.
The man has been insulting in every email he sends me, yet I remain curtious in every responce and added the words thanks or thank you for your assistance to the end of pretty much every email. My last comunication I was rushed for time, having to do work and all, so I neglected to add those words. It was just an oversight.

He responds with:
A "thank you" would have also been nice to receive.
Paris (in Toronto)

So I appologies to him for the slip up. and I am willing to bet he will make nasty comment in return at which point I will be reporting him to some one. I am seriously at the end of my rope. I have remained polite to a man who has insulted me on a weekly basis over the last 30 months or so.....


By Sabrina - 5:04 a.m. |

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