Wednesday, September 17, 2003
Since this has been in the news lately. Why are we still living in the stone age? Are we so backwards as to think there's any real meaning to pair bonding for life? I mean "I do" doesn't really mean "I do" does it? It's more like "I do, until I sign a legal document saying I don't, cause I caught you with the mailman".
Now I'm all for discrimination - only when it causes society significant damage. I will discriminate against those who discriminate against others. KKK, NAACP, I'm looking at you. I will discriminate against murderers, rapists, car salesmen, the pope, as I see fit. But the "other team"? Sure I make jokes about them, just as I make jokes about the French. Yet there's no real malice there or animosity.
I mean, the whole point of having two sexes is that whole reproduction thing right? I just feel their mission statement is contrary to the deal. But I do agree with their platform 'in spirit'. It's hard enough finding the right person to connect with on that soulmate level. Why restrict the search to one sex? I mean if it's your kinda thing and the opposition likes it in the pooper, so much the better eh? Oh but I kid, the frou-frou have just as much right to happiness as everyone else.
The Canadian Alliance is right about one thing this isn't a civil or racial rights issue, it isn't in the same league. No, to me, this is bigger. This is a human fucking rights issue (double-entendre ahoy!). Give it a rest people, let's take a step forward and not back. If ya wanna go back we might as well all take the colored bus and keep our women folk at home. Sheesh.
I dunno. Maybe all the Alliance wants is their butch names back, like Lance and Butch. I'm sorry to disappoint you gentlemen, they're gone. Let them go. Be thankful I didn't say Richard...
By TVT -
11:54 a.m. |