Tuesday, September 16, 2003

OK. Now I know I've sworn off RPG's since Final Fantasy 8. While they're fun, they do get very formulaic and the save the world from destruction plot wears thin after the nth iteration. Plus encountering random battles when all you want to do is advance the freakin plot gets on my nerves. However, there are exceptions to the rule.

1. If you have mechs. I will play you. And hence Xenosaga, last February, broke a 1 and a half year no-RPG streak.
2. If you resemble Final Fantasy Tactics or Tactics Ogre in any way. I will play you. And so a little known sleeper hit called Disgaea has stolen my gaming heart.

Disgaea, quite frankly, rocks. I can't stress that enough people. Let me break this down into a Duc-ensian form for you:
1. it has anime characters
2. it has Japanese voice acting
3. did I mention it has anime cuties?

Fuck this amateur shit. I'm thinking I've got a good shot at turning pro.

By TVT - 9:55 p.m. |

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