Wednesday, September 17, 2003
Oh I don't doubt that the NAACP has done a ton of good. My mentioning of it was in regards to the few cases where the race card is played which further inflames the issue causing more harm than good. The double standards have got to go too. Is "that word" offensive or not? It's all a matter of situation and context. And what is the correct manner in which to address your American-ness?
Also, why don't the rest of us get to make up words? We're missing out on all the fun. Although, I am making up for this deficiency by using 'wang' a heckuva lot. Like "Alright you gooks, who wanged the server?".
Let me rephrase my statement. I will openly discriminate against extremists. So PETA, you can go fuck yourselves. I know what my incisors are for.
...and I am soooooo robbing the Kwik-E-Mart.
By TVT -
12:31 p.m. |