Thursday, August 07, 2003
I'm sorry. I promised a kinder, gentler blog didn't I? Well this pisses me off to no end. So I'll do what I do best. Rant.
What the fuck? I don't give a rat's ass about seeing tobacco sponsorship on race cars. In fact, I prefer a Marlboro festooned Mitsubishi to a Tide one. It just looks right. Red and White. Like Ferrari. Bah. I've already seen the Montreal GP but I see no reason why they hafta cancel it.
I also see NO connection between motorsports and smoking. "Wow. That car's really fast. I think I'll kill my lungs." I mean, if ya wanna light up to support your team. Go nuts. So long as I can watch the race without suffocating in your carcinogens. I ain't stoppin ya. These cars are fucking expensive. The more money the better. I don't care if the masses have some moral objection to it.
I better stop before I start frothing at the mouth and throw out profanities like a monkey whips feces. *deep breaths* Now if you'll excuse me, I need a cigarette.

By TVT -
11:43 p.m. |