Tuesday, August 26, 2003
I have an affinity for the F word. It has a conveyance that no other word in the English language can even hope to duplicate. From Al's blog link:
Dear Mr. Yi Xu Ming:
Thank you for your kind email.
I just have one question before I send you my bank account info so that you can rob me blind.
Just who the FUCK do you think you are? I know you are lying to me. There is no such place as Taiwan, motherfucker. Only Formosa. You will bow before the Peoples Repbulic of China, your true government. They will confiscate your 'funds' and then throw your sorry ass in jail. I say good, you fucking unclefucking huckster. Fuck you, you lying, cheating piece of monkey shit.
And hairy chests = the ugly.
By TVT -
10:55 p.m. |