Tuesday, August 26, 2003

2005 R35 concept. M'eh. We'll see. If the final product looks decent enough I'd consider an Infiniti -> Nissan conversion.

Is a Bimmer still in Tuan's future?

And lastly, shameless attempt to woo the Fickle Anstey to "keep it in the family". She comes in a hardtop now:

I know. I know. The People's Blog should be renamed the Car Hole as of late but that's currently what's on my noggin (besides redheads) so I'll be foaming at the mouth about it. By all means post about anything non-car related you guys want. I ain't stoppin ya. Freedom of speech and all. :-)

My mission in life is to continue the corruption of Greg Anstey. And if you ask The Duc, I've been doin a mighty fine job as of late. ;-) Wheeeeeee! One of us! One of us!

By TVT - 11:17 a.m. |

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