Tuesday, May 27, 2003

So I ran the blog through the Snoop Dogg Shizzolator (work safe) and this is what Ming was trying to say:

I'm back from my vacation." , know what I'm sayin'? n' shit. n' shit. oh yeah, I took a week off visit family -- primarily my dad in Toronto, know what I'm sayin'? There's nothing quite like driving /from Toronto." n' shit. n' shit. non-stop 'n without cruise-control fo' over 12 hours." Hey, I'm driving a nice sports hooptie! Hey, I can't feel my right foot! I should has flown, know what I'm sayin'? Anyways, I picked up some bomb diggity stuff in da T-dot, a cell phone 'n SARS tops that list (or at least that's my plan fo' getting out of work fo' another two weeks) n' shit.

Tuan, thanks fo' da tunes fo' da road n' shit. They really helped stave off bordom 'n nodding off sleep while driving."

By TVT - 12:01 a.m. |

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