Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Okay coffee did help the staying awake a bit. I feel a bit tired but my brain is still functioning. At this point I am still into the belief I will make it, I might be some comidic version of my self. Possibly I may resembe someone whose got the giggles.
I can think of the last time I tried to stay up for a long time. It was when I was living in Auburn NS. There was like 6 or 7 of us, the original goal was to stay awake 24 hours, which progressed to trying to be awake for 48 hours. I lost the battle at 44 hours.
By the time we hit the 2 hour mark we were all a bunch of giggling girls, by 30 hours I am sure my mother was ready to kill us. As the evening of the second day progressed we where out right foolish. There is even an incident of my sister flashing a ghost car.
The time progressed to the wee hours of the second morning and people I am sure where illusanating. Kim mentioned something about hair spray. As the story goes, Jessica and I where sound asleep face to face and each of us where talking in our sleep. Our subject where different, but the time of our conversation was interesting. I would stop talking for her, she stop talking in time for my next babling session.
Just past midnight now not feeling to bad.
By Sabrina -
11:51 p.m. |