Monday, July 12, 2004
Proudly, a progressive.
Further to this post on Acts of Volition:
The progressive movement used to be a fairly well-defined term, basically people inside the liberal democratic establishment who want to adopt some socialist policies in order to stave off the increase in political power of unions and more hard-core communist parties. Basically it was borne of practicality, wishing to improve the system from within, instead of by tearing it down first via a revolution.
In that context 'progressive' is a perfectly valid term, the trouble is people using words without knowing their meaning or origin. (see: 'liberal' becoming an epithet in the US, somehow...)
But there are some elements with the environmental / green movement who view 'progress' (in the economic sense) as the enemy, and thus calling one's self a 'regressive' would make sense, but it isn't an antinym of classic 'progressivism'.
By al -
11:22 a.m. |