Thursday, July 01, 2004


By TVT - 8:25 p.m. |

This was discussed on MetaFilter a while ago.

My opinion is that Moore loves his country enough to change it. I can't say the same for the forces lining up to try and shout him down.
I'll watch anything I find intriguing is all. This film I find interesting, though I doubt it'll get as wide a release or if it even shows up at local theatres.
Checking all sides of a story is always good, but checking behind the sotry is a necessary component of that.

From DisinfoPedia (a wonderful resource for finding sources, etc.):

"The video trailor for the proposed movie "Michael Moore Hates America" shows that the movie's authors seek to ignore and dismiss the facts presented in Moore's "F911" about Mr. Bush and his corporate partners by "searching for America" and ultimately "finding that the American dream is really alive." The unstated notion being that Moore's movie F911 suggests that the American Dream has died.

Another unstated supposition in the video trailor for "Michael Morre Hates America" is that Michael Moore's movie F911 is some how an assault against America rather than an exposure of the contemtporary unamerican idologies currently holding sway in America at the hand of the Bush regime.

The authors seek to make viewers believe that the irrefutable facts in F911 can be dismissed on the notion Moore hates America and that Moore's movie is an attack on America and its people. "
Also from Disinfopedia:

Fahrenheit 9/11 Ignites a Right Wing Counter-Attack: Michael Moore's award-winning, record-breaking, Bush-bashing documentary has spawned a well-funded attack from right wing millionaires, politicians, front-groups and pundits.
This is the beauty and curse of the internet. My journalistic abilities are limited to reading a buncha stuff and going with what makes sense to me. There's just so much info and disinfo out there.

Take a topic I do know a lot about, like astronomy, there's a ton of 'info' on faked moon landings and astrology and other tripe. To the layman with no knowledge of the discipline (not saying they're stupid) they do what we all do, read a buncha crap and formulate an opinion.

Where am I going with this? I don't know. Just sounding off. :)
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