Thursday, May 06, 2004
Man my Xbox has spoiled me to no end. Picked up Rallisport Challenge 2, the sequel to the game that made me, nay, forced me, to buy an Xbox. So pretty. Control is tight and spot on as usual, drifting = fun.
As much as I love the GT series and am salivating over it's release. GT4 looks like shit by comparison. Yes I just said that. I've never seen mud, rain, dust, and dirt executed so well. I'm currently driving an EVO 8 which is seriously cramping my style until I unlock the WRC 'ru. ;)
chibi-G, The Duc, you must come over to participate in the madness sometime. The course design is better than Duc(k) Island. ^_^
By TVT -
11:13 a.m. |