Thursday, May 27, 2004
I've got mixed feelings on this. On the one hand, the thought of a Batman game that doesn't suck sends me into fits of glee. On the other hand, there are kick ass titles like La Pucelle that don't sell gobs of copies, but are worth their weight in gaming gold. Then again, this applies to licensed games (which by their nature have always sucked) not original properties so that last statement doesn't really count. :)
By TVT -
10:47 a.m. |
The Chip'n'Dale Rescue Rangers game for the NES was awesomely awesome, despite being a licenced game. Actually Capcom's Disney licenced games in the 80s were all generally decent.
The Spiderman/X-Men game for SNES was also quite good.
Generally the truely awful licenced games are the ones that try and recycle a plot of a movie that you already know the ending of. But a game taht can creatively and effectively put Spiderman's spider powers into a game actually has potential.
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The Spiderman/X-Men game for SNES was also quite good.
Generally the truely awful licenced games are the ones that try and recycle a plot of a movie that you already know the ending of. But a game taht can creatively and effectively put Spiderman's spider powers into a game actually has potential.