Tuesday, April 13, 2004

It's that time to break out the People's Celica. But first, she needed a couple of new tires. A pair of Bridgestone RE92's to match the current gear would have cost me around $500 CAD. The guys at Toyota were asking $630 CAD for a set of 4 Michellin tires. The People's Celica needs good tires to maintain her image as the MOST ELETRICIFYING RIDE. So, I got her these: Falken Ziex ZE-512's (195/60R15-88H). Total price with shipping and taxes, $363.84 CAD. They are sweet looking tires and will lay the smackdown on any corner. Can you SMELL WHAT THE DUC IS COOKIN'?

As for 17s, I don't have money for new rims. I got too much stuff to do on the house this summer. I'll probably try again after the Falken's are worn out. Sorry, but the Barbeque takes a higher priority than 17" rims.

By Ming - 4:08 p.m. |

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