Sunday, September 07, 2003
There are negatives to owning an mp3 deck - namely increased fuel costs. Why? Because being at one with one's car and music is quite possibly life's greatest pleasure. Having 200+ songs instead of 20 odd tunes at your fingertips only furthers the cause. I predict more road trips in my future...
Yes I'm back on a huge music kick after converting a 3rd of my CD collection into mp3 form. Sooo many plastic discs *ugh* but it'll all be worth it. Who knows? maybe I'll get one of those 30 gig iPod dealies. Ideally I'd like to have _every_ song I like on one small portable device. This device would also plug into the car deck/home stereo/PC so I'll only ever need one of these things. Also, it would sense what song I want played by reading a microchip lodged in my brain (or some other less painful method). The AI would be able to predict what song to play next for a particular mood and scour the internet for tunes that might interest me. Damn. I would pay good money for that.
An intelligent soundtrack to one's life. I'm likin that. Maybe the Japanese are working on it...
Normally I'd say somthing about a certain someone leaving on a certain jet plane, but that's reserved for THE DUC. ;)
By TVT -
11:18 p.m. |