Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Interesting article. I can assure you that yes, Charlottetown does rock, and yes, the nickelback concert was loud. Fortunately knowing a couple of people got me and the people I was with into one of the covered VIP areas while the rain was coming down. Couldn't believe the number of people that were there, mostly tourists too, it seemed. Though there were a few people I hadn't heard from since high school that we met up with. Incidentalyl I went to the show with a girl I went to school with who had gone off to BC for a few years and has now made her way back there after deciding she did't like PEI. It was pretty much a lucky coincidence that we found each other, but we ended up spending the weekend ogether and it was just like old times. Very cool.

As for the alleged Ilsand red, I bt teh just cross out the letter 'O' and put 'Is' there instead. Never ehard of it. Must be a tourist thing.

Nickelback were good, and loud, and the sound system was easily capable of going twice as loud as it was, which made for utterly perfect sound quality. Much appreciated.Though they weren't the reason I came home for those concerts, Blue Rodeo was. They played the night before, with David Usher opening. Played a few songs from their new album, saved the good stuff for the end. I was pleased with the number of people in the audience who knew the words to 'Lost Together".

Nickelback's show was good, some new songs, their playing is nice and tight, could have used some meatier solos though. The only slightly sad part was that they pretended to finis the show but came on for a nencore, being the nice guys they were. At which point they played theeir two single biggest hits, including Chad Kroger standing alone singing 'Hero'. with some guy struming out the chords on an accostic guitar next to him, and saving half of their flashboms for the end of this supposed encore. Most people seemed to be fooled, though.

By al - 11:39 a.m. |

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