Sunday, July 20, 2003

Arrived in Maastricht this morning. . . . yeah, morning both home and here. Surprise, surprise. . . . my luggage didn't. The airport in Amsterdam was crazy, apparently they over sold the flight. . . . by a lot. . . . at least by 3 times the capacity and they all showed up. Anyways, after the last time, I was prepared. The Maastricht airport reminds me of the Fredericton airport. . . . dead. The guy at the Hertz desk even confirmed it. Get this. To return the car: "Park the car in the parking lot behind the gas station. If there is no parking spaces, . Go behind the desk and place key in box. Walk away. DO NOT CALL US WHEN YOU RETURN THE CAR. . . . " I got a Opel Vectra. Standard transmission. Took me a while to figure out how the hell to get the thing in reverse. 5 speed transmission, reverse being the same position as first gear. . . . I'd drive the car in the ground, but the damn thing has zero pickup. I pretty much have to keep the rpms up around 3000-4000 to get any sort of acceleration. Sundays here is like Sundays back on the Island. . . . only worst. Here ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IS OPEN. I can't even get a bottle of water. The hotel room's nice. . . . but hot. (I got pictures! Post them later when I get them up.) I could sleep on the plane. I can't sleep in the hotel until it cools down. So, I went to work. I just wished I brought a blanket, I could sleep in the A/C computer room right about now.

Anyways, post more later.

P.S. Tuan, keep you day job. Writing song lyrics just isn't your thing ;-p

By Ming - 4:35 p.m. |

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