Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Dear friends,

I have a bit of bad news to impart upon you all. In fact, it brings me to tears as I write this. The past few months has been great, unfortunately all that is soon coming to an end. My company is shipping me back to the Atlanta front to serve my third tour-de-force there and I don't know if I will make it back. I knowingly accepted this assignment with the knowledge of the growing instability and descrimination in this area of the world. However, as the only one qualified to complete this mission, I decided to take the responsibility upon my shoulders and help bring this to an end. The journey shall be hard. I pray that my past experiences will help me get though this horrible ordeal and that I can return safely home. I will try to keep in touch, however if you should not here from me please do not morn my passing. Please contact the Canadian government and ask them to free me from the evil clutches of the Americans as they have yet again detained and imprisoned yet another innocent as a possible terrorist under the guise of national security.


By Ming - 8:28 p.m. |

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