Thursday, March 11, 2004
MickeyD's alters their menu not because it suits consumer tastes. On the contrary people want what is unhealthy. You can see it in their waistlines. They alter because they are under pressure from the minority who have no fucking clue about personal choice. Why would you go to a fast food place to eat healthy? If eating healthy was that profitable we'd have more Soy Burger Shacks than you can shake a stick at.
A buncha overweight teens sue McD's cause eating makes em fat. I'm siding with the big corporation here. Y'know, cause big implies evil and such. Regarding the tobacco industry. Past lawsuits were ok. But with today's knowledge if you knowingly injest a product with a giant diseased lung on the package and sue. Fuck you. Seriously.
I don't know about you. But if some wise ass sues my parent's for "making them fat". I'll tell em where to go. Lawsuits cost money. Sue if you have a legitimate gripe.
I drink a lot of Pepsi. Will I sue them when my teeth fall out? No. Will I sue my beloved Tim's if I get a rapid heart beat from all the caffeine I injest? No.
By TVT -
10:31 a.m. |