Thursday, August 14, 2003
Nirvana - Bleach No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom The Smiths - The Queen is Dead Phish - Lawn Boy Led Zeppelin - IV Eminem - The Eminem ShowWhat your favourite album says about you
note: blatantly ripped off idea from Tower of Hubris.
I can't play an instrument or write a song for shit, but if you try to question my music taste I'll just say you don't understand the deeper meaning of it, and feel sorry for you.
I like my punk rock non-threatening and done over in fancy makeup.
I wish I was gay so I could have something substantive to be depressed about.
Hoping someone, someday will ask me about my favourite album and think I'm cool based on my answer.
Someone once told me Stairway to Heaven was writteen in a couple of hours to fill out the time on the album. I screamed that he must be a liar, and that that must only prove that Jimmy Page was even more of a genius. Privately I proceeded to question my very existence
I bought this album to show how cool I was. My parents were very impressed.
Add your own, kids :)