Tuesday, August 19, 2003
T4: Election Day
I'm gonna hafta side with The Terminator on this one. I mean c'mon, he'd kick Larry Flynt's and Gary Coleman's collective asses. They MUST vote Arnie into office. I mean THINK about it. Press conferences will never be the same.
Reporter: "Mr. Schwarzenegger, how exactly do you spell your last name?"
Arnie: "My CPU is a neural net prahcessah. A learning computah."
Reporter: "Come again?"
Arnie: "I'm gonna ask yah a buncha qwestchuns and I vant to have dem answered immediately!"
Reporter: "O.... kay, listen, about the budget..."
Arnie: "Shut up! Who is your daddy, and what does he do?"
Normally I'd vote with my free hand and go with porn. But in this case, how can you NOT vote for the Running Man?
By TVT -
12:09 a.m. |