Thursday, August 28, 2003

Play Ball!

Speaking of dirt roads. My baby girl is dirty as sin - just the way I like her. Good show Luke Warm. By the way, can you make it to any of these events? I'll enter if you enter. "Hey, that's a slalom!" - Fucking A. ;) Are you sure you didn't screw up the translation? I'm pretty sure it says: "Redhead does it on all fours." or "Sank you fo da fish." M'eh, one or the other, it's all good.

Funny thing happened while I typed this post... the phone rang. It was another survey. Sigh. Only this time it was about tires. Now, naturally my urge was to instantly hang up, but I didn't. It's like if Bandai called me with a survey on Gundam. Damn straight I'd answer! By the end of it I'm sure the guy on the other end was like "Sweet! I nabbed a car guy. He knows his shit. I'm actually gonna get decent answers!" It was actually pretty neat. Sorta like Jeopardy with Tires! Him: "Sir, can you identify which brand has tires that will run even after being punctured?" Me: "Michelin. Then invented that shit y0! Those run-flat dealies they use in the World Rally Championship is the bomb-diggity."

Dang. Now I want a bobblehead:

Anyways, Pirelli owes me a bigass check for promoting their wares. Him: "And which brand of tire will you buy next?" Me: "PIRELLI! Fo shizzle! Mah bizzle!"

Weapons of choice:
Winter: Pirelli Winter Ice Sport
Summer: Kumho Ecsta Supra

Yes I also shamelessly fill out them J.D. Power and Associates surveys to boost Subaru's street cred. It's no worse than finding out you're headed to Level 5. :)

*know's his rubber like the back of his hand* No. wait...

By TVT - 8:20 p.m. |

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