Friday, June 06, 2003
Seems I missed the video game debate. . . . time just flies when you're trying to do work. I don't want to open that can of worms again, I just want to say: Video games are for entertainment. If you don't like a game, don't play it. Considering how much money is being poured into game development, it would be nice to see more of that money go towards developing different/innovative games. . . but that's not my money. That said, I was thinking of starting a company making video games. . . . anyone want to make a difference in to game industry?
I've been spending some time researching some computer parts, I've been helping a friend piece a computer together. With computer components the way they are today, especially processors, the difference between a poor or great computer is definitely the motherboard. It absolutely dictates what a computer can do with the parts you have as well as the parts you can have down the road. Also how well the computer will run with the parts is drastically affected. Get a good mainboard and the rest of the parts are trivial.
Anyone seen benchmarks for the Savage 8 video chipset or how it compares to the GeForce 2/4 MX?
By Ming - 12:10 a.m. |