Wednesday, May 21, 2003

A River Runs Through It

All high and mighty at level 9 eh? Proper spelling my ass. I spell it the only way it was meant to be seen - through the lyrical genius that is STYX!!!

Mr. Roboto audio clip
(from Styx Greatest Hits)

Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto,
Mata ah-oo hima de
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto,
Himitsu wo shiri tai

You're wondering who I am-machine or mannequin
With parts made in Japan, I am the modern man...

ARGGHHHHHH MAKE IT STOP!! UNCLE! Uncle! Grant me mercy. No more I beg of you, just make Styx stop.... *sob*

Lucky for me Level 5 has a live band, hell, the only band. Bad pun intended. You may now beat me with a sharp stick. :) Anyways, my whole point about bringing up the band was that we have live concerts in Level 5. Live concerts attended by underage hotties. Like say, Hilary Duff, that is... assuming she dies at the tender age of 15. Man, Disney sure pimps 'em young these days. First Britney and Christina, now Hilary. Damn, that Mouse sure does get around.

Now where was I? Oh yeah, ok so maybe Chantal gets away with playing the "women in comfortable shoes" card. That's fine. We all have healthy imaginations. And for those of us that don't, I'm sure it's on the internet. ^_^ As for Greg: Have you ever been sexually intimate with a member of your same sex? Surely you must have answered truthfully to get all the way down to Level 9. And did you answer the hidden bonus question? "Have you ever outsourced work for personal gain?"

T Diddy <----- "A pimp is a good thing to be." True. =)

By TVT - 10:55 p.m. |

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