Monday, April 14, 2003

Welcome back to the stage of history

Ah Soul Calibur... good times... good times... if only Ming would stop playing "the girl with the pointy stick" and stop jabbing me constantly. But I digress. =)

I found this blurb over at Penny Arcade amusing enough to share with you gamers out there:

Soul Calibur 2 is like seeing your girlfriend again after she has been gone for a few weeks, only she changed her hair color while she was away. She is familiar but at the same time a little bit different. You know this girl but there is something new there, Something that comes from being reunited after a long separation, something exotic that comes form a slightly new appearance, and you get butterflies in your stomach that haven't been there since you started dating. You know this game. The controls feel familiar to you and the same combos and patterns you used before still work but there is something different. You can't pin it down to one thing but the game feels exciting again and you get butterflies in your stomach that haven't been their since the Dreamcast.

I'll be picking up the Gamecube version since Link from Legend of Zelda is in it. Fan-tastic is the word I'm looking for. Heihachi is the exclusive character on the PS2 and Spawn (of all things) is the extra on the Xbox.

By TVT - 12:50 p.m. |

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