Wednesday, March 26, 2003

We are not without our idiots in the gamer world. Here's an e-mail I saw posted to a gaming website:

"Are you going to boycott Ubisoft along with me and some other gamers? It's a way for gamers to show their displeasure for France leaving the US in a lurch and trying to stand in the way of us liberating the Iraqi people."

Yes. Let's all stop eating baguettes, watching French porn, and kill poodles while we're at it. Knob. Back of the line. And what's this 'liberating' shit? Oh yes, please do invade my country and turn my city into a war-torn hell hole. And then stay there for many many years after. God forbid weak-kneed Canada should voice an opinion. I can see it now - Freedom Syrup! Well, at least we didn't spawn a new breed of canine... the British Lap Dog.

By TVT - 1:10 p.m. |

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